Friday, April 18, 2008


someone very close to me had a "run in" with an extremely crappy person yesterday. and when i say crappy i mean...super piece of crap crappy...

why do people need to be mean, just for the sake of being mean?? can you imagine being so bitter, that you just crap on people all day long??

this super piece of crap is a person who has a little bit of power...and is notorious for being a piece of crap...and as badly as i wanna call him out right now, and let the world know what a piece of shit he is...i will all come back to him in the end...because you cant just move through this world like that and not be held accountable eventually...

anyway...i was thinking about my beautiful ridiculously talented friend today...who is one of the best people to ever walk this earth...and i wanted to tell her this...

um, and since she has a lemon tree in her backyard...i was thinking we now know to always pack lemons in our fabulous sayin...

so if any of you ever get crapped on by a super piece of crap crappy person just turn and say..."and yet again, stupid people continue to talk..."

ciao ciao


love u t


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with you. I know I know...the person being mean has to be hurting really badly...well, I hope they are because the hurt is what's there to tell you to stop being a dickhead to people. It doesn't feel good. I hope youre friend feels better. It happens every day unfortunately...but there are also fabulous people like yourself HPro who can make people feel nice. Keep it up.

Heather the Fabulous One... said...

thank you so much :)


Yeah I know one person in particular who I'd love to throw a lemon at and it's horrible when you don't feel so good because there's always about 1000 other people who you want to throw lemons at.

Brian said...

Some people just don't realize when the are mean. Not knowing the specifics of Mr. Craptacular, but I would bet not enough people speak up to him and put him in his place.